Pernahkah anda bermasalah dengan bulu pada ketiak anda?

Pernahkah anda bermasalah dengan bulu pada kaki anda?

dan mungkin bulu dada dan kumis ?


Apakah anda merasa semakin dicukur kulit menjadi semakin kasar dan hitam?

Apakah anda merasa semakin dicabut ketiak menjadi semakin hitam?

Pori pori kulit menjadi makin besar?

Kalau ya ........


EPILATOR Adalah alat yang bekerja dengan cara mencabut

bulu pada bagian tubuh anda

              Mencabut bukan Mencukur

EPILATOR adalah alat pencabut bulu elektronik yang menggunakan plat penjepit stainless (tweezer discs) untuk menjepit sekaligus menarik bulu sehingga  dalam waktu singkat bulu dapat tercabut tuntas.

Perbedaan EPILATOR dengan manual tangan?

Sudut kemiringan dengan epilator adalah tegak lurus sehingga kulit tidak stress dan menjadi iritasi.

Mencabut secara manual (lihat gambar)

Menggunakan EPILATOR (lihat gambar)

Lalu, Apa bedanya dengan waxing?
Sepintas cara kerjanya hampir sama, hanya waxing menggunakan media perekat sedang EPILATOR mencabut secara otomatis dan bebas kimia.
Waxing dapat menyebabkan iritasi kulit sedang epilator tidak karena menggunakan mesin

Apa Keuntungan memakai EPILATOR ?
*Dapat digunakan pada semua bagian tubuh, area bikini, ketiak, kaki, muka, lengan
*Tidak sakit seperti waxing
*Karena mencabut sampai ke akar, bulu tumbuh lebih lama
*Tidak perlu tiap hari dicukur
*Dan yang pasti ketiak tidak menjadi hitam

Siapa yang dapat memakainya?

Semua orang 

semua umur
Semua golongan


Apa beda Panasonic ES 2082 dengan merk lain?
  1. ES 2082 lebih lebar dibandingkan merk lain yang beredar di indonesia sehingga dapat menarik lebih banyak.
  2. ES 2082 dapat digunakan dalam keadaan kering maupun basah (keterangan lebih detil dapat dibaca dibawah ini)
  3. Harga yang lebih murah 

Keunggulan dari Panasonic ES 2082 WET&DRY :
  1. Plat penjepit stainless steel yang lebih banyak dari produk kompetitor (18 tweezer discs)
  2.  skin protector
  3. Anti Slip Rubber Grip
  4. Dapat digunakan dalam keadaan basah sehingga lebih tidak sakit, lebih cepat dan tidak menyebabkan kulit menjadi merah
  5. Bisa dicuci (waterproof)
   6. Dan, Harga lebih murah


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Manufacturer's Description

Silky and smooth skin always gives you a sense of completeness and confidence. Panasonic by introducing Epilator ES-2082 offers you a better opportunity to acquire that confidence and completeness.

The pride every skin desire for is not far from you now as Panasonic World’s First Wet and Dry Epilator is within your range. After having extraordinary experience of cleanliness and perfection with it you’ll soon wonder how you managed without Panasonic’s Epilator ES-2082.

Perfect solution for all unwanted hairs

This speedy and easy to use epilator proves its efficiency by strong performance and by giving less pain. So whether you’re a novice or a pro, Panasonic’s ES-2082 has everything you need for quick and gentle hair removal at your convenience.

Hair is removed at the root for smooth, silky skin that lasts a long time.
Quick and easy, shaving has its drawbacks that the cross sections of shaved hairs can remain visible as black dots on the skin.

Newly Developed Skin Protector

It care for a woman’s delicate skin with it’s newly developed Skin Protector which holds skin tight as hairs are swiftly removed at the roots. This soft skin guard feature suppress excessive pulling up of skin so that only hair is pulled which in turn reducing pain and helping skin to maintain its moisture level.

 How it cares your skin
Easier on skin because it holds skin down as it extracts the hair from the root
Gentler because tweezing disc do not come in contact with skin.

Minute side-to-side sliding of head provides effective hair removal by causing short and flat-lying hairs to stand erect.

Wet Epilation Vs. Dry Epilation

Comforting: When the skin is wet, skin remains moist, and as moist skin is supple and stretches there is only minimal skin damage and stratum corneum peel rate reduces to less than 1/6 as compared to dry epilation.

Speedy: Wet epilation is 20% faster than dry epilation. It helps hairs that are lying down to stand upright which help the epilator to grasp even, resulting in a significantly quick and effective epilation.

Soothing: Wet epilation reduces red marks occurring after hair removal by more than 50% and thus reduces the pain considerably.

Wet Skin Reaction
When the body is warmed in the bath for example, pores are naturally opened and skins become softer, and hair is more gently removed.

Dry Skin Reaction
When the skin is dry, the stratum corneum is prone to coming off. Dry skin is more inflexible and reluctant to release hair from pores. This roughly pulling of skin causes damage and pain.

Use in the bath or shower for maximum comfort

Using Panasonic’s patented technologies, this model is fully waterproof so you can conveniently remove unwanted hair while you’re in the bath or shower.

Product Description
Foam epilation improves epilation efficiency and increases overall epilation speed. Foam helps hair stand upright and makes if easy to grasp and remove
Skin protection system for sensitive skin - eases stress on skin by preventing direct contact with the tweezing discs
Battery operated